Tuesday 24 June 2014

Research Collated

I collated all of the research based upon the feedback I received for my final music video.

Firstly I asked a group of individuals to watch the music video, I then carried out a focus group and asked them a few questions about it. This was useful as it gave them the oppertunity to fully qualitatively discuss their views on the video, as well as discuss between them their thoughts. 
 I then used a questionnaire to recieve further in-depth feedback on my music video.

 I also sent the YouTube link of the music video to multiple individuals allowing them to comment or message me their thoughts based upon it which was useful for gaining a greater perspective upon what areas could be improved.

Adam: Positive aspects of music video:

- Colours and theme of video were fitting to song i.e. the use of black and white being prominent throughout the video helped emphasise the theme of ‘smoke’ and also the use of colour later in the video
- Clever use of focussing in certain shots, especially in relation to the lyrics.
- Setting of video suited the genre of the song
- Unique shots were taken e.g. the worm wriggling around in the mud.
- Interesting use of first person perspectives
- Multiple uses of various special effects added to viewing experience

Negative aspects of the music video:

- Some of the lip syncing was not entirely in sync or clear
- Story behind the video is slightly confusing.
- More syncing could have been included e.g. percussion
- The big use of special of effects with Andy at the end of the video is slightly out of place and odd

Jamie: -A very well made and interesting video overall - the changing between shots matches the pace of the music and the use of special effects makes it captivating.
-The filter provides clarity between what's real and what's being dreamt, making it easy to follow

Carys: -great balance of cut away shots and non-cut away
- could've worked on better lip synching but again that's my fault sooooo
-like editing wise
-lots of methods of shots used
-it fits the eerieness of the song with all the effects and stuff
-especially as your editing n shots get more intense when the music does

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