Sunday 21 October 2012

There Will Be Blood Analysis.

In this shot the camera is mainly tracking the character on the left (possibly to show his significance and higher status in this situation) however the character on the floor is kept in the frame. The camera is kept relatively still and the shots are very steady and smooth. The camera is also very level and at waste/chest height with the shot length being a long shot. There is no non-diagetic sound as there is no backing track etc, the only sounds are the dialogue and  the movement of the characters. The shot then cuts to another angle, maintaining the 180 degree rule.

This is more of an establishing shot combined with the first shot the audience can gather that they are located in a bowling alley. The camera is tracking forward giving an over the shoulder perspective. Again, the only sound is the diagetic sound of the dialogue and the sound of their movement. There is then some continuity editing as the movement of the ball is matched in the cut to the next shot. 

In this shot the camera is then tracking the character in the black suit, still maintaining the 180 degree rule the camera in the shots moves up and down the bowling alley creating a wide overview of the set while letting the audience focus of the main action. 

Later on in the clip, the bowling ball collides with a bucket of water on the floor which splashes the water into the air and on the position the camera is in. This creates the effect that the water is splashing towards the audience and makes them feel like they are part of the film. This was most likely done with CGI due to the difficulty of making the water splash in such a precise way and also to prevent damage to the camera. 

The character then walks into the foreground and the camera tracks backwards focusing on him as he progresses towards the other character shouting at him. 

In this shot the camera cuts to a shot where it is very close to the end of the bowling alley, it then tracks sideways following the movement of the character crawling across the floor. Again the only sound is the diagetic sound, this could emphasise the moment between the two characters so the audience can really focus on the importance of what they are saying as it may be a crucial part of the film.

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