Monday 15 October 2012

This is my Look Magazine advert.

This is my version of the Look Magazine advert
Firstly we made a storyboard of the first 10 shots for the advert, we decided to make a parody version and really exaggerate the poses. We took the photos and put them into iPhoto, we then exported them and used iMovie to edit them. Firstly, we roughly shortened all of the shots to make them easier to work with, we then imported the song and started to sync the shots to the beat of the song. Some of the images such as the eyes and the image of the Look Magazine itself we got from the internet. 

Overall, the shots fit in very well with the music however some of the timings could be improved. Also, the image of the eyes from the internet does not fit in that well, to improve this we could of either used more internet images or taken a picture of eyes ourselves. 

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