Wednesday 24 October 2012

This is one of Cartoon Network's idents

Cartoon Network was launched in the UK on the 17th September 1993, primarily broadcasting animated programs aimed at children between the ages of 3-11. Although the channel is not gender orientated i personally would say that it does slightly appeal to boys more than girls. This is backed up by the ident with the use of aliens and robots which is something a young boy would be more interested in compared to a girl. The ident is also animated but professionally made which suggests that the majority of the programs will be animated and of a high quality. The dominant colours are black, white and red which are the main colours which the CN logo consists of, the checkerboard CN logo itself is very distinctive and is very bold and visual so people we instantly know what they are watching. 
Dave re-branding


Sunday 21 October 2012

There Will Be Blood Analysis.

In this shot the camera is mainly tracking the character on the left (possibly to show his significance and higher status in this situation) however the character on the floor is kept in the frame. The camera is kept relatively still and the shots are very steady and smooth. The camera is also very level and at waste/chest height with the shot length being a long shot. There is no non-diagetic sound as there is no backing track etc, the only sounds are the dialogue and  the movement of the characters. The shot then cuts to another angle, maintaining the 180 degree rule.

This is more of an establishing shot combined with the first shot the audience can gather that they are located in a bowling alley. The camera is tracking forward giving an over the shoulder perspective. Again, the only sound is the diagetic sound of the dialogue and the sound of their movement. There is then some continuity editing as the movement of the ball is matched in the cut to the next shot. 

In this shot the camera is then tracking the character in the black suit, still maintaining the 180 degree rule the camera in the shots moves up and down the bowling alley creating a wide overview of the set while letting the audience focus of the main action. 

Later on in the clip, the bowling ball collides with a bucket of water on the floor which splashes the water into the air and on the position the camera is in. This creates the effect that the water is splashing towards the audience and makes them feel like they are part of the film. This was most likely done with CGI due to the difficulty of making the water splash in such a precise way and also to prevent damage to the camera. 

The character then walks into the foreground and the camera tracks backwards focusing on him as he progresses towards the other character shouting at him. 

In this shot the camera cuts to a shot where it is very close to the end of the bowling alley, it then tracks sideways following the movement of the character crawling across the floor. Again the only sound is the diagetic sound, this could emphasise the moment between the two characters so the audience can really focus on the importance of what they are saying as it may be a crucial part of the film.

E4 Idents

In this ident there is a 3D model of the E4 logo in a 3D room with walls made from lots of cubes. The cubes are animated and moving in the walls to the beat of the music. The music has a fast beat and is like drum and bass. The E4 logo is also animated and gets bigger and smaller to the beat of the music. The logo is purple and the surrounding walls/blocks are grey. there is a watermark of the E4 logo in the top right corner of the frame.

The moving walls and logo suggest that the channel is very fun and active, the music playing is fast and upbeat which also represents this. Also, the colours are very bold and they grey background in contrast to the purple logo makes the logo stand out form the rest of the frame and make it a significant part of the ident. The way the logo shrinks down into nothing then grows again could represent how E4 are constantly bringing out new and outstanding content.

In this Channel 4 ident it shows the stereotypical yellow taxi driving through the city, the camera is tracking backwards following the car and as the camera moves the objects in the scene align to form the logo. The objects are all part of the city landscape such as sky scrapers and bridges. 
The fact that the objects suddenly align and the logo appears makes Channel 4 appear as a very unique channel, it shows that they put a lot of time and effort into making their idents and that they care about their audience and the content they broadcast to them. From the high quality standard of the ident you know that Channel 4 is very professional and that they will put time, money and effort into their programs.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

This is my SlideRocket presentation on the album cover of Dizzee Rascal - Boy in da corner. In the presentation i listed the denotations and explained some of the connotations.


Monday 15 October 2012

This is my Look Magazine advert.

This is my version of the Look Magazine advert
Firstly we made a storyboard of the first 10 shots for the advert, we decided to make a parody version and really exaggerate the poses. We took the photos and put them into iPhoto, we then exported them and used iMovie to edit them. Firstly, we roughly shortened all of the shots to make them easier to work with, we then imported the song and started to sync the shots to the beat of the song. Some of the images such as the eyes and the image of the Look Magazine itself we got from the internet. 

Overall, the shots fit in very well with the music however some of the timings could be improved. Also, the image of the eyes from the internet does not fit in that well, to improve this we could of either used more internet images or taken a picture of eyes ourselves. 

Sunday 14 October 2012

This is my SlideRocket presentation on the album cover of Dizzee Rascal - Boy in da corner. In the presentation i listed the denotations and explained some of the connotations.


Wednesday 10 October 2012

My Ident

This is my Ident I made it using Live Type and Final Cut.

Firstly i downloaded the background image from Youtube using a Youtube downloader such as Keepvid. I then imported the image into Live Type click to view my Live Type tutorial.
In live type, i created the text and then keyframed the size, position and also the colours/effects to create a flashing effect on the text as well as a shake. I then rendered out the text without the background

Once i had the text i imported it along with the background footage and the end credits of the program into Final Cut. I then synced up the text with the background footage, added some effects to work on the colour correction and then made some very simple fade in fade out transitions.

I then rendered out the final piece and uploaded it to Youtube.

Sunday 7 October 2012

Live Type

How to use Live Type
  1. Open live type, then what you want to do is go to 'File' and 'Place' and this will allow you to import a background image which will help in the positioning of your text. However, if you want a moving image as the background you can alternatively go to 'File' Place background movie' which will let you import a clip for the text to be positioned on.
  2. You then go to 'Track' and add a new layer. This will be your text layer and when working on the text it is important you have that layer selected. 
  3. Now with your text layer selected you can change what the text says by typing into the grey text box in the text window. From here you can edit the font by selecting a font, as well as other attributes such as colour, outline and glows.
  4. With the text selected, you can click and drag the text throughout the preview window to position it against your background image/movie. 
  5. You can then go to the effects window. This will allow you to browse many effects which you choose from and the hit 'apply' to apply the effect to your text. Some of the effects work well as transitions for the text and are a useful tool in Live Type.

These are the basics of Live Type.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

10 shot story

The music fits the theme of the edit and also there is some sense of continuity editing as the shots flow into another. There is also a reasonable amount of camera shots/angles. However, some of the shots are hand held and do not look at good.

The music fits in with the theme of the story and starts at a good point within the story. The tracking shot across the hallway was also very well done and gave a creative aspect to the camera shots used. 

Wide range of camera angles, the shots could flow a bit better and be more stable. Although, the concept of the letter under the door and the fact that the music matched the upbeat tone was very good.