Monday 10 February 2014

Titus Andronicus, Filming Review

 Titus Andronicus, Filming Review

The filming of the drama academy went well, we managed to get the majority of shots filmed and within a reasonable time period. To continue from here we will need to film the additional shots we did not cover and also to re-shoot some of our previous shots. The reason we are doing this is because we believe that including more various angles and shot types will create a more effective film piece.

The main part we will need to re-shoot is the main part between Titus and Tamora. This because we would like to include some more close up shots to show the detailed expressions on the faces of the actors as well as being able to use some eye line matches to help link the different shots together. Another issue was that a vast majority of the actors were coming in and out of the frame and it did not seem very natural. To prevent this we can use a mixture of wider establishing shots showing everyone within  the frame as well as close up shots focusing primarily on a smaller group of characters to prevent additional ones coming in and out of the frames.

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