Monday 10 February 2014

Titus Andronicus Evaluation

This is our production of Titus Andronicus

 Over the last few weeks we have been working on the production of Titus Andronicus, I was very pleased with the outcome as it worked out as we had planned and we all worked together to develop the final piece. The main thing that i felt went particularly well was the overall composition and flow of the piece as the shots were filmed in different orders on separate locations on different days but all the clips came together to make one fluid piece.

One main thing that I would improve is some of the shots, as we were short of time we could not film enough shots from alternative angles so to improve this I would include better framed shots and maybe more angles to help emphasize the differences in power between the characters. For example, in one shot an actresses head did not fully fit into the frame, to fix this we could just tilt the camera upwards or to film from further away to produce a wider shot which would include the actresses head.

Another aspect we could of worked on was our positioning, from the image below you can see that the light source was behind us and cast a shadow of the boom mic on one of the actors. This is simple enough to fix as we would only have to move the boom to somewhere it is not seen and does not cast shadows.

My roles were the second unit and also an editor, as the second unit my job was to film the additional shots from other angles to act as cutaways from the main shots. This helps keep a nice pace to the film so the shots are not long and boring. What i liked about this role was that I could stray from the storyboard slightly and experiment more with the different shot types which we integrated into the main shots. As an editor my job was to put all of the shots into the correct order to fit the storyline as well as keeping a fast enough pace to stop the shots from dragging on and becoming boring. Another key part of the editing role was to make the soundtrack fit to create the right tone at the different parts of the film. 

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