Wednesday 15 May 2013

Monday 13 May 2013

Final Logos

Final Logos

This is my logo for the station Lock, from the name of the station I decided to give the logo a hardcore rock theme, I did this by using a dark brown colour scheme with lots of contrast and movement within the image. This creates a sense of energy and relates to the rock theme. I also incorporated an image of a lock into the text, this emphasizes the station's name and makes it more distinctive.

The target audience is also portrayed through the logo as the images and overall style of the logo suggests that the station is aimed at a slightly older target audience ranging from late teens to 40 year olds, also as the logo comes across as darker and dirty the logo may be interpreted to be aimed slightly more at a male audience.

I printed out the logo and received some feedback on it from other media students, "the tint and colour scheme works well and the lock and chain images suit the channel well, however the logo is missing the 'OWMusic' logo in the top compared to the others".
To improve this logo I would use some darker bold black shapes to create a jagged edge to the logo similar to a smashed window, I would also reduce the width of the logo and add the 'OWMusic' logo to the top so it fits with the other logos. 

This is my logo for the station Pulse, from the name of the station I decided to give this logo a more modern theme, I did this by using a wider variation in vibrant colours as well as keeping a black and white theme to give the logo a cleaner futuristic look. The negative halves of the logo show the contrast within the station, which relates to the different types of music that they will play.

The font and images work well together as they are consistent with the theme of a pulse and the mixture in colour and the feel of the logo would attract a target audience of both males and females from their mid-teens to late-twenties. This is effective as that age bracket are the ones who are most likely to enjoy the genres of music being played by the station.

I printed out the logo and received some feedback. "The colours around the side work well, the split sided skull looks good and works well with the headphones and it clearly represents the channel brand".
To improve this logo I would use a higher resolution image of the skull and also neaten up the bottom half of the image with the coloured flames around the neck to make the logo look more professional. 

This is my logo for the station VIP, from the name of the station I decided that it was modern yet professional and sophisticated. Because of this I used a dominantly black and white colour scheme and kept the logo relatively simple. Within the logo I used images that related the station to a nightclub, I then added some colourful waves and an RGB split to give the logo some vibrance.

The concept behind this logo was inspired by night-clubs so through the use of energetic images and bright vibrant colours the logo attracts a target audience of around 18-30 which is effective as they are the age of people who would enjoy to go out clubbing and listen to the types of music provided by the station.

I printed out the logo and received some feedback, "looks to a professional standard, the colours work well together along side the font. However, the fire in the background looks odd".
To improve on this logo I would remove the fire as it was suggested in my feedback, I would also reduce the height of the logo to remove the unnecessary empty spaces. 

Comparisons to professional work
After looking at other professional pieces of work such as the family of logos for BBC Radio, I have noticed that the professional logos are much more simplified and bolder than my logos. This makes them much bolder and distinctive and clearer to look at making them more successful. Also, due to their simplicity they only contain around two colours, this gives them a higher contrast and allows them to easily portray a distinctive message about the type of radio station without being over-complicated. 

VIP Logo progression

VIP Logo progression

I decided that VIP was quite a stylish yet energetic and upbeat radio station, so I decided to keep the image and the colour scheme relatively simple. I used a bold clean font to clearly display the name of the radio station and created a crowd of people using silhouette images.
From the original logo above, I made the background darker and added some colour to different areas of the image but still maintaining the black and white throughout most of the image. I also added some flames to the background of the image to make the radio station seem more energetic.
This is the final image, the end result was effective due to it clearly portraying the type of radio station through the use of colors as well as the font an background images. The format used to save the image was a JPEG due to the high compatibility, this allows the image to be diversely used in a mixture of forms such as posters and letterheads for websites.

Lock Logo progression

Lock Logo progression

From the name of this channel decided to give the logo quite a hardcore rock theme, I did this by using a bold eroded text and dark colours, I then incorporated an image of a padlock wh I then decided to take this theme further and gave the logo a sepia tint along with a grainy texture so the image looks damaged and eroded.
This is the final logo, this logo worked well as the bold images and use of colours create a very strong message about the radio station and the type of music that will be played. This image was created as a JPEG which is commonly used, this mean that the logo can be used in a variety of ways, due to the aspect ratio of the logo being wide the logo is more suited to billboards and letterheads however it would also work in a poster format.

Pulse Logo progression

Pulse Logo progression

This was my original logo, but the message of the radio station was not very clear so i decided to create a new version. I kept the main concept with the headphones and used the same text, but I altered the colour scheme and also added and x-ray of a human skull to wear the headphones. 

Again i decided to change the colour scheme and went for black and white and created a negative and positive side to really make the image stand out.
From this I then decided to create some smoke and add multiple colours to the smoke and then place it behind the skull and headphones to give the logo a more colourful feel but still being consistent with the themes. 

This is the final product, the message created by this logo isn't that strong however the colours do suggest that the radio station would play some form of modern techno music or dubstep. This logo was saved as a