Sunday 5 January 2014

Audience Questionnaires

Audience Questionnaires 

We created a questionnaire to receive feedback from a more general audience rather than our client, we then asked a selection of individuals to fill out the questionnaires, this was their response.

1) 18
2)  it was decent (considering i have just watched pulp fiction which minimises anything)
3) 6/7 just because of the quality of what it was recorded on and the sound was faulty (im picky :/) and the acting felt like they were just reciting lines instead of actually feeling it, other than that being picky part the cutaways were aesthetic and the editing did flow quite well (if i remember it correctly).
4) again the cutaways worked well as well as the editing.there were minor things i thought could be improved, such as headroom (even if your trying to minimalise it give a little space, if you want to cut something out zoom in closer or change your angle. and in my own personal preference probably colour grade up a bit as some parts were really dark
5)  for a modern rendition of shakespeare i thought that it worked really well however again in my own opinion even modernised shakespeare is outdated.

2) Yes
3) 9/10. Good angles and steady camera while moving. Music was very fitting. But in some parts the audio was not very clear, however it was only in one minor instance.
4) ...
5) Yes, but maybe urbanise it a bit more to make it a bit more modern, as although the clothing was modern; I'm pretty sure parks have been around quite a while.

2) yes
3) 7
4) the beginning scene was really eerie with everyone walking, and also when at the end the queeny lady was talking and it had hear head over the top as like an echo, the scene in the forest when people were talking but not to the camera?
5) yee (although i had no idea what was going on or what the story is or anything but yes i presume so with the hoodies and stuff)

1) 18
2) dont know titus sorry
3) 8 seemed like good acting
4) speeches worked well
5) probably yeah

1) 18
2) I enjoyed it
3) 7 I thought the music was goooooooood
4) I liked the fade between the two shots at the end
5) This is what I would expect but maybe in more urban environments

1) 18
2) Yep!
3) 8/10, because it was well portrayed and all of the characters knew their lines, as well as being captivating - the only problem I found was that some parts seemed a bit forced and the reactions a bit over elaborative.
4) I thought the soundtrack was the best thing actually, as it set the general mood that wouldn't have been created normally. In terms of the acting, I enjoyed the speeches near the beginning because they were passionate and emotion can be seen vividly.
5) It depends on how modern it's meant to be. Some modern adaptations take the old language and change it to make it more understandable, which this did not. Without this it is a bit hard to follow, but in terms of scenery and such it can be considered modern.

1) 17
2)i did indeed
3)7, because i wasnt that sure of the costumes
4) I think the parts where the editing was clean cut (3:25-3:48) worked well because you didnt miss a bit of action but at the same time it wasnt on the screen for too long
5)yes indeedy, you can the shakespeare vibe from the language which is used but the way in which is acted and shot helps bring a more modern twist

1) Age: 18
2) Did you enjoy this extract of titus andronicus? Yes
3) What would you rate it out of 10, and why? 7/10 Good camera angles & editing, good choice of scenary and soundtrack. The acting was quite good.
4) What parts do you think worked well? ....
5) Is this what would expect from a modern rendition of a shakespeare play?
Yes it is.

2) yes was good
3) 7 it was good story idea but was hard to pick up ay start it was about modren age
4) most of it tbh evryhing rolled well with each other
5) yes

1) 18
2) Yes. It was over all an enjoyable extract to watch.
3) 7/8. The acting and editing was overall impressive. Although the camera work could have been a little better.
4) The ending worked really well with the 50/50 Fade transition.
5) Something along these lines. Could compare it to a movie 'Romeo and Juliet. Which used the same script Shakespeare wrote. Although their was a modern theme.

1) 18
2) Yeeee, was okay
3) 6 / Some shots were good (walking ones at the start), acting is meh, and some of the audio quality isn't very clear (like the overlay bit at the end of Jon's part)
4) The walking shots at the start
5) Yeah